
The section 8 housing list website is here to help you find the right house using your section 8 voucher.  If you need help beyond what is offered at the section 8 housing list website, then make sure to contact your local HUD office for more help.

Note to Section 8 Landlords
If you are not listed on our website we would love to have your information. To have your information listed navigate to the nearest city and state where your section 8 property is located and leave your property information in a comment. We will then move your listing up into the main listing.

If you would like us to remove at listing due to the fact that your property is no longer available for section 8 tenants then please leave a comment and let us know exactly which entry to remove. You must be able to prove that the listing is yours before we will remove it. We know that the section 8 market is a competative one, so we error on the side of caution when removing a section 8 listing.